I think we skipped spring this year and headed straight into summer. My little guy didn’t mind a bit and hasn’t wasted any time getting into the swing of things. I love that nothing more than a sprinkler and an umbrella can entertain him for well over an hour. Oh to be a kid again!
Muhammad Ali said, "Children make you want to start life over." I think it is true. Wouldn’t you love to feel such sheer joy and enthusiasm on a daily basis? A butterfly hovering over a flower, an airplane in the sky and a puddle all make my guy’s eyes sparkle. It makes me wonder how we all become so jaded and when we stop being amazed and excited by the simple joys we experience. I’m so grateful I get to re-experience the wonders of this world with my guy–even if many of those simple joys create far more laundry and work than I would sometimes like!