A Favorite Blog

Do you read the Nie Nie Dialogues—a blog by Stephanie Nielson? I’m a fan. In case you don’t follow Stephanie, she is a mom, a blogger and a burn survivor. I find her totally inspiring. It could be because my nephew is a burn survivor. I witnessed with lots of love and tears the ups and downs that take place in the burn unit. When I first started reading Nie Nie, all I could think about was my own family’s reaction to those first tragic days and months after my nephew’s accident. Nothing can prepare you for such a life-changing event.

I think the thing I like most about Nie Nie’s blog is that she reminds me of the simple joys we should savor in life. She literally fought for her life so she could hug her little ones and be there to make them lunch in the morning. It puts things in perspective for me. I take for granted how easy it is to give my kiddos a bath or cart them around for a piggyback ride. Check out Stephanie talking about caring for her kids on Oprah. 

Tomorrow night 20/20 is doing a story on Stephanie. Are you planning to watch? I will be. I’ll be thinking of my nephew and what it was like to sleep on a cot in the burn unit by his side. I’ll be thinking of my kids and how happy I am I get to mother them every day, and I’m sure I’ll be crying. 


One thought on “A Favorite Blog

  1. Thanks for posting the link to her blog. I remember crying as I watched her on Oprah. I have the same thoughts and feelings as you about burn victims and all they go through to survive and heal afterwards. And obviously for the family and those who care for burn victims as well. It’s something I will never forget! Stephanie is most definitely an inspiration to all and I’m excited to read her blog.

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