Last weekend we went to the air show at the Naval Air Station in Oceana. The show was amazing on its own, but it was special for me because my brother flew in it. Yeah!
I had to stop myself from elbowing the people next to me and telling them my brother was the pilot of the plane pulling past us. Really. I did. We didn’t realize he’d be landing so soon, so Bryan had taken Evan to the restroom and my sister-in-law was getting something to eat. I was watching by myself and really wanted to share my excitement with the strangers next to me. Instead I took 243 pictures. I’ll just show you one.
I was proud of my big brother, but I was also proud of all those who serve. I’m so grateful people volunteer to do the jobs we ask them to do. What is even more amazing is that so many of them make the commitment to serve our country when they are just eighteen years old. Eighteen. Right now teenagers are enlisting in the Army, studying at the Naval Academy and sleeping on foreign soil for us. They do it without thanks. They do it for the love of country. They do it so I can tuck my son and daughter in bed at night knowing they will grow up in a country that is free.
We ask so much of our military. We ask moms and dads to spend months away from their families. We ask them to miss first birthdays, first steps and even births. We ask them to go where they are told when they are told. We can’t possibly ever pay them enough for all of the sacrifices they make. But we can tell them thank you. We can teach our kids to be grateful for the job they are doing and we can feel proud that so many people sign up to protect the values that are important to us. So, to all those who serve, thank you!
And, if you’d like a little Monday morning entertainment via You Tube, here are a couple clips of my brother at the airshow. He is a part of the Fighting Omars squadron that plays the adversary. He is in one of the blue camo jets. He is taking off at the end of this clip. If you’re at work, you might want to turn the volume down now. Jet noise can be loud, but it is an awesome sound.
His flight is toward the end of this clip.
I loved watching the videos! Cool pictures too. Avery and Jake sat here in complete amazement during the video saying, “that’s our uncle!” Avery then said, “that’s freakin’ awesome!” She’s got that right. It is freakin’ awesome. I would have told the people sitting by me that it was my brother. That’s just too exciting to keep it in. I’m really glad you got to be there. My very favorite family day so far was at the air show in Kansas City. Nothing beats it.
I’m so glad they liked the video! You are welcome to visit for the air show next year. It would be so fun to take the kids.
I loved watching the videos! Cool pictures too. Avery and Jake sat here in complete amazement during the video saying, “that’s our uncle!” Avery then said, “that’s freakin’ awesome!” She’s got that right. It is freakin’ awesome. I would have told the people sitting by me that it was my brother. That’s just too exciting to keep it in. I’m really glad you got to be there. My very favorite family day so far was at the air show in Kansas City. Nothing beats it.
I’m so glad they liked the video! You are welcome to visit for the air show next year. It would be so fun to take the kids.
Thanks for posting the videos! They are awesome. I think you should have told any and everyone it was your brother…I would have. We are very proud of you Duane.
Thanks for posting the videos! They are awesome. I think you should have told any and everyone it was your brother…I would have. We are very proud of you Duane.