Creating: A Star

I did it…I’ve become one of those moms. The kind that thinks her child is beautiful and assumes everybody else does too. So because I’m that mom, I entered one of Madelyn’s apple picking photos in a contest. I received an e-mail today from that she is a weekly finalist. I don’t know how many other people received this e-mail, but I do know that now Miss Madelyn needs votes. And because I’m that mom, I’m going to go ahead and ask you to cast your ballot. Will you spare a few clicks today, hop on over to and vote for my little sweetie? You can also like it on Facebook! Remember…vote early and often. And, tell your friends. 

Creating: The Perfect Party

I have never thrown the perfect party. I usually end up forgetting to serve at least one dish or running out of time to create all the little details I love so much. But, my friend Sarah on the other hand, does throw the best parties. She creates the cutest little things and launched her own party planning business, Sheek Shindigs. I’m lucky enough to get invited to some of her events.

Hopefully she’ll keep inviting me. I showed up an hour late to the last party she threw. The worst part was I thought I was walking in right on time, which I would have been if the party started at eleven. But it didn’t. It started at ten. It was on the eleventh. That means I spent the next hour feeling foolish. I hate being late. I really hate it. I think it comes from earning a living meeting deadlines.

Anyway, back to creating the perfect party. Take a look at Sarah’s blog for some great party ideas. She shares her own ideas and some of the best ones she finds online. I took the picture above at her Easter party. I was on time for that one! I am going to hire her the next time I throw a party. This week Sarah is giving away an adorable ceramic cupcake, so be sure to enter. I say that, but secretly I am hoping I win, because it is a really cute cupcake!

Oh—and, I do feel like I need to add that the week when I showed up late for Sarah’s popsicle party was a very hectic one at our house as my hubby and baby girl both had surgery within a few days of each other. I don’t want you to think I’m a complete flake!


Creating: A Full Summer

Labor Day has come and gone, the neighborhood pool is closed and school is starting, which means it is time to say goodbye to summer. For us the summer of 2010 was jam-packed. We…

-Welcomed a new life and marveled at our tiny miracle

-Discovered Spider-Man

-Roasted marshmallows

-Rowed in a canoe

-Visited nine states in nine weeks

-Reminisced and joked about our first-time-parent jitters when Evan was born

-Made new friends

-Cheered on our little guy as he found new independence



-Longed for more sleep

-Spent time with family…

…and at least one thousand other things. It was busy. It was memorable. It went by in the blink of an eye. Even though we packed in as much as we possibly could, there were several things we didn’t get to do enough of. Next summer I hope to drink more lemonade, spend more time at the pool and read as many novels as I possibly can.

What is on your to-do list for summer 2011? 


Creating: Apple Puff Pancakes

Apple Puff Pancakes are easy, good and will definitely get you in the mood for fall. Our fresh apples made it even better.   


The Pancake

1/2 cup flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 Tablespoon melted butter

Mix ingredients until smooth. Pour into a greased 8-inch square pan and bake at 450 degrees for 20-25 minutes until lightly browned.

The Apples

Two cups chopped tart apples
1/2 cup apple juice
1/8 cup sugar
1 tea. cinnamon

Combine in sauce pan and simmer for 15-20 minutes until tender and syrupy. 

Cut the pancake in fourths and serve with the apples. 

What is your favorite way to use a bounty of apples? 

Shaping 2010

One of the most amazing women I blog stalk is Rachel Coleman, the co-creator of the Signing Time series and a mom of two girls. This week on her blog she had an inspiring post on Creating The Year 2010. For the past few years, she and her family have declared each year The Year of ___________. They’ve had The Year of No More Somedays, The Year of Fun & Adventure and The Year of Health & Fitness. 

I love the idea and started thinking about creating my own 2010. I’ve decided it is going to be The Year of If Not Now, Then When? No more procrastinating on those projects floating around in my mind or the adventures I want to plan with my family. This year I will take the time to pursue all those story ideas I’ve come up with and make time for more of my personal writing. It is too late to make it to Punxsutawney for Groundhog Day this year, but I’m going to start researching hotels and book a trip for 2011.

I’m going to print my new little mantra out and pin it above my desk, so each day I’m reminded to take advantage of the opportunities that come my way. And for those opportunities that I just can’t pursue right now, I’m going to answer the question of ‘when?’ I hope to come up with more concrete answers than ‘someday’ or ‘when things slow down.’ 

Thanks, Rachel, for the great idea and for offering up so much inspiration on your blog!

And, I’m curious, what is your year 2010 going to be? 

Creating: A Happy Life

Ah happiness. It is something we all want and we all have different ideas of what makes us happy (or what would make us happier). Sometimes it feels like we’re chasing it. Other times we realize we can reach out and grab it.
Catch me on any given day and I’d probably tell you that hugs from my boys, Diet Coke and a call from my mom make me smile. In the “I would be happier if I had…” category, I tend to list a bigger house and more money (who wouldn’t be happier with more money?). 
I’ll admit that I usually spend more time thinking about all the other things I need to make me happy and less time focused on what already does (come on…everyone does it now and then). Until now. 
Today I read that in 1926 British psychoanalyst Marion Milner set out to discover what made her truly happy in her day-to-day life. She kept and published a journal, A Life of One’s Own, under the pen name Joanna Field in 1934. I love the idea of taking time each day to relive the happiest moments and jot them down. 
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I’m going to steal Ms. Milner’s idea and keep my own happiness journal this year. I hope to focus on all the things that make me smile—even on a bad day. 
My top picks from today–dancing in my kitchen with my boys and spreading butter on a hot roll I’d made from my mom’s recipe. Every time I make my mom’s bread I remember what it was like to be seven years old and waiting for the timer to go off on the oven. My mom would cut me a slice of bread and I’d slather it with so much butter even the bottom of the bread turned yellow. That also makes me grateful that there was a time in my life when I didn’t know about calories or fat grams—much less worry about them. 
From time to time I’ll share my top happiness journal picks here and I’d love to hear about yours, too. So, tell me, what makes you the happiest?