Living: A Lesson From Cary Grant

Cary Grant said, "I pretended to be someone I wanted to be, and finally I became that person." I’m going to follow his lead and pretend I have everything under control. I think wishful thinking will help get me through the next few months as we figure out baby girl’s schedule and settle into a routine. In the spirit of hopefulness, here is my goal:

I’m going to be the mom that gets both children bathed, dressed, fed and ready to go by 8 a.m. The beds will also be made, of course, and it goes without saying that I, too, will already be ready for the day. It would be a nice little bonus if it was a good hair day for me. 

I will be the freelancer that manages to meet all deadlines without a late-night crunch the night before. I will meet all of my current clients’ needs while also pitching my wish-list publications. I will get interviews with all the right sources, who don’t ever stand me up or refuse to answer certain questions. 

I will create happy memories for my kiddos, keep a tidy house, cook healthy meals and give my hubby a kiss each day before he heads out the door. I will also be cool, calm and collected each day when he gets home–so will the kids. I will be the friend, sister and daughter that remembers all birthdays, sends thank you cards on time and calls just to say hello.

To top it off, I will do it all without ever feeling frazzled. It may be a tall order, but I figure I might as well dream big. Wish me luck! And, I’d love to hear more about who you would pretend to be! 



Up and Doing

Let us, then, be up and doing
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait. 
–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I didn’t intend to let this little blog languish for almost a whole month, but, well…things got busy around here! We have been “up and doing,” which has taken every ounce of energy I can muster.

I had (somewhat) perfected the art of juggling a toddler, a freelance career and a household. Adding baby girl into the mix has meant I needed to adjust my stance and find my footing again. It is important to know how many balls you can juggle at once and which ones you can sit down from time to time. The blog is one I had to sit down. Now that I’m finding my stride, I’m ready to pick it back up again. 

Regular posts will resume again next week. I have lots of ideas and can’t wait to share a few stories. Thanks for reading! 

Up and Doing

Let us, then, be up and doing
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait. 
–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I didn’t intend to let this little blog languish for almost a whole month, but, well…things got busy around here! We have been “up and doing,” which has taken every ounce of energy I can muster.

I had (somewhat) perfected the art of juggling a toddler, a freelance career and a household. Adding baby girl into the mix has meant I needed to adjust my stance and find my footing again. It is important to know how many balls you can juggle at once and which ones you can sit down from time to time. The blog is one I had to sit down. Now that I’m finding my stride, I’m ready to pick it back up again. 

Regular posts will resume again next week. I have lots of ideas and can’t wait to share a few stories. Thanks for reading! 

Living: Things I Love

In addition to adoring my newborn baby girl, there are several things I am loving this week. Here are just a few:

All the spoiling my little guy received from his grandma. Tic Tacs, new toys and some extra love have helped ease the pain of sharing his mama’s time.

Hearing my guy sing to his sister.

Feeling like this is the exact place in my life that I am supposed to be right now and savoring the moments–even when both kids are crying.

The Vascular Birthmark Institute in New York and Dr. Milton Waner. Dr. Waner gave us answers and comfort when we treated my little guy’s hemangioma three years ago and we are turning to him again now that baby girl has one too. If you want to learn about a truly amazing person, watch the segment on Dr. Waner on MSNBC’s documentary Changing Face:


Baby girl’s new tutu courtesy of her Uncle Duane and Aunt Maria. 


I also loved getting to spend some time with my big brother and I am grateful he didn’t share any "big brother horror stories" with my little guy. 

My mini Kenney Chesney and the happiness bubbles can bring.



Living: Baby Madelyn

Wow! Almost two weeks have gone by since Miss Madelyn Elise was born. All of the feeding, burping, changing, rocking, and oohing and aahing have kept us busy. Throw in a day my hubby spent in the ER with kidney stones and a baby girl who often thinks she needs to eat every hour and I’ve been hard pressed even to find time to snap pictures. Here are a few of the favorites I have captured:

One last picture of my guy, me and the baby bump. We took this as we were dropping him off at a friend’s house so baby girl could be born.

In hindsight, we probably should have moved a little quicker to get to the hospital. I’d heard stories about there not being time for the epidural to work, but I didn’t think it would happen to me. Luckily, it takes less than five seconds to forget how much work labor is.

My little guy couldn’t wait to meet his sister. Next up, he wants to carry her. By himself. Like a grown up. This is one of many things that is keeping me up at night.  


For now we’re able to keep him happy with just holding her. 



And entertaining her. 

All in all, things are going well here–even if a bit hectic. I have so many thank you cards to write, e-mails to send and phone calls to return! Thank you to everyone for all your nice wishes. I love hearing from you and I will be in touch soon, I promise! Now, I think Madelyn wants to eat again. 

Living: MS Bike Ride

Each year my hubby takes part in the Bike MS: Beyond the Beltway bike ride. This year, there is a good change (fingers crossed) that we will have a newborn by the time the ride arrives, so Bryan may not actually ride. However, he still has fundraising responsibilities. I checked in on his progress today and realized he has yet to secure any funds. So, I thought I’d help him spread the word. It is such a great cause! If you’d like to donate, you can make a contribution online here.