Living: So Much To Do, So Little Time

Whew! This weekend went by in the blink of an eye. Somehow I’m still recovering from it. I have so many things I want to talk about! Finding the time to get it all out of my head and onto the screen is my problem. Here are some quick updates:


We took my little guy to the Baltimore Aquarium on Saturday. He commandeered the camera, leaving us with great shots like these: 

My baby bump:


Our lower legs:

My hubby’s wedding ring: 

The lower halves of people we don’t know: 

True gems, I tell ya. We finally had to put the camera away and didn’t get it out to capture any images of us as a family. Don’t worry, though, the memories will live on in my head. 

Baby Girl Long is still staying put and hasn’t shown much interest in joining us. If she was awake to hear the tone of my voice when putting my little guy in a time out yesterday, she just might stay put for a few more weeks. Since my guy came early, I’ve been ready for weeks now, but I’m trying to remain patient. I keep reminding myself that she’ll come when she is ready. 


I’m using these last few days/weeks/hopefully not a whole month to get a jump start on a couple of projects I have in the works. It is nice not to have a crunch right now and working ahead feels great. I have about 15 freelancing blog posts floating around in my head and even made a list so I don’t forget them. I hope to get them written up this week. 


I’ve been using every spare minute to squeeze in as much reading as I can. I know I won’t have much time for novels after Baby Girl arrives, so I want to pack it in now. I’ve finished some great books over the past few weeks and can’t wait to tell you about them. The problem is, the books are keeping me away from the computer! It is quite the Catch 22. But, I do plan to share the details on my latest favorites soon! 

Thanks for catching up with us! I hope you all had a great Memorial Day. 

Living: Just Another Day at the Office

My little guy and I got to visit his daddy at work yesterday. The trip was made complete with a Happy Meal and an ice cream. My guy also enjoyed entertaining his daddy’s coworkers for a bit. After an adventure like that, he is going to think being a CPA is the best job in the world! 

Living: A Favorite Quote

"Pursuing what you want to do and achieving your goal is not like finding the burning bush or discovering a gold mine. There are usually no epiphanies, no sudden reversals of fortune. Fulfillment comes in fits and starts… Fulfillment comes in many guises, and it can come into our lives at any time… But only we can make sure it will be fulfilled. If we feel empty, no amount of water can fill our well. It has to come from within, from the underground springs and streams." — Mary Morris

Living: A Favorite Quote

"Pursuing what you want to do and achieving your goal is not like finding the burning bush or discovering a gold mine. There are usually no epiphanies, no sudden reversals of fortune. Fulfillment comes in fits and starts… Fulfillment comes in many guises, and it can come into our lives at any time… But only we can make sure it will be fulfilled. If we feel empty, no amount of water can fill our well. It has to come from within, from the underground springs and streams." — Mary Morris

Living: Looking Ahead, Looking Back

The Future Since becoming a mama I often find myself quoting the wisdom of Dr. Suess. Today I was thinking about how our little family is just waiting for baby girl to make her grand appearance when lines from Oh The Places You’ll Go popped in my head. “…For people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or the waiting around for a yes or no or waiting for…” a baby to come. 
This little one keeps teasing me, leaving me thinking each night that it could be the last night that we’re a family of three. But, nothing yet. Today I bought milk that expires after my due date, so I know it is getting close. My little guy arrived five weeks early, so I’ve been ready for weeks. Sitting still isn’t easy for me, so even though I cleared my plate once, I’ve taken on a few more projects, lined up some interviews and gotten back into the swing of things for at least another week or so while I finish waiting. 
The Past Since I have lightened my workload, I’ve had some time to wrap up some of the many other tasks on my to-do list. I finally transferred the past three years of video of my little guy into iMovie on my Mac. After watching all of the videos again, I realized my favorite shots capture the every day moments that seem so ordinary at the time. My guy saying “no no,” blowing me a kiss or running around with a bare bottom make my heart melt. They also leave me wishing I had captured more of the ordinary. 
The Now Between planning for the weeks ahead and looking back at the past, it is sometimes easy to forget about savoring today. Today’s simple joys—taking my little guy for a bike ride, watching him play with his toys and having him help me with dinner—mean even more when I take time to actually notice them. At one point today my little guy looked over at me and said, “We make a great team.” I agree with him. We’re a great team as a duo and it is even better when his daddy is with us. It will be fun to discover our new dynamic when baby girl arrives, too.  No matter what, I hope we can keep savoring the present, planning for our future and smiling over our past.  

Living: A Favorite Quote

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable. — Helen Keller

Living: Making it Through the Day

There are days when even the smallest thing can seem like a mountain to climb. Getting my little guy dressed, explaining why birds fly, finishing a story or just doing the dishes can sometimes seem daunting. A long time ago I heard Marjorie Holmes’s prayer "Just for Today." I had forgotten all the words, but there are several times I find myself repeating the first line– "Oh, God, give me grace for this day."

I just stumbled across the poem again and thought I’d share it (plus, I’m planning on taking my little guy on a few adventures today, which I know will require some extra grace).

Oh, God, give me grace for this day.
Not for a lifetime, nor for next week, not for tomorrow, just for this day.
Direct my thoughts and bless them, 
Direct my work and bless it. 
Direct the things I say and give them blessing, too.
Direct and bless everything that I think and speak and do.
So that for this one day, just this one day, I have the gift of grace that comes from your presence. 

Happy weekending! May you find all the grace you need to get through the fun and to-do lists you have in store.

Living: Simple Joys from the Weekend

-Having an indoor marshmallow roast with my boys (marshmallows city style, as my hubby says).

-Enjoying brunch with a friend and indulging in strawberry waffles, plenty of bacon and eggs benedict.

-Checking a whole bunch of things off of my to-do list. 

-Getting spicy Thai food with my hubby in an effort to induce labor (it didn’t work). 

-Celebrating my birthday with my boys.

-Having Evan help me unwrap my presents, the same ones he picked out and helped wrap, and seeing the excitement on his face when he ‘discovered’ what each one was. He picked out cupcake mix and sprinkles, which means I’ll get to have another simple joy when we make the sweet treats. 

Living: Simple Joys from the Weekend

-Having an indoor marshmallow roast with my boys (marshmallows city style, as my hubby says).

-Enjoying brunch with a friend and indulging in strawberry waffles, plenty of bacon and eggs benedict.

-Checking a whole bunch of things off of my to-do list. 

-Getting spicy Thai food with my hubby in an effort to induce labor (it didn’t work). 

-Celebrating my birthday with my boys.

-Having Evan help me unwrap my presents, the same ones he picked out and helped wrap, and seeing the excitement on his face when he ‘discovered’ what each one was. He picked out cupcake mix and sprinkles, which means I’ll get to have another simple joy when we make the sweet treats.