Avoid Jealousy to Gain Confidence

Whether you're running your own shop or working in an office, to be happy you have to make your career your own. Set your own goals, focus on your strengths and take charge as the captain of your own ship. As captain, you need to be confident in where you're going and what you're doing. Gaining confidence can take time, and the surest way to crush it is to compare yourself to others. 

It is easy to look at what someone else is doing and wish you were there, too. Believe me, I get bitten by the jealousy bug from time to time. But all jealousy will do is make you lose sight of what you already have. I'm making my living as a writer while working around my kids' schedules. This is what I've always wanted, yet I am guilty of looking at projects other freelancers are working on or books others are publishing and feel like I'm not doing enough.

When I find myself wishing I had more time in the day or that I was doing work more like someone else's, I try to take a step back and simply be grateful for what I already have. The truth is, it doesn't matter what others in my field are doing. My career goals and priorities are different from theirs, so it is only logical that my achievements will be as well. More importantly, their accomplishments won't  keep me from being successful. So when jealousy rears its ugly head, I simply acknowledge it and remind myself that I'm charting my own course at my own pace. In turn, I can be truly happy for someone else's achievements and use them as inspiration. They say a rising tide lifts all ships and another writer's success may ultimately increase mine. 

Photo by Robert Linder from stock.xchange


Mummy and Pumpkin Oreo Pops

Last year I posted a little how-to on Oreo pops. Thanks to PInterest, I've been getting a lot of hits on that original post. A few people have emailed questions about the eyes for the mummies. I've always ordered mine in bulk from a bakery supply store, so I decided to host a giveaway!

Halloween isn't far away, so there is a short window to enter. Just leave a comment by 8:00 a.m. Thursday (Eastern time) about your favorite childhood Halloween costume (mine was either Pippi Longstocking or Ernie from Sesame Street). I'll select a random winner and drop a set of twelve eyes in the mail that afternoon. Hopefully they'll arrive in time for you to whip up a dozen mummies for your Halloween celebration. 

About the Oreo Pops:

This is a great kid activity. Evan and I spent a few hours making these one day and he was in heaven. You need are Double Stuff Oreos, candy melts, lollipop sticks and green Tic Tacs for the pumpkins or candy eyes for the mummies.

Here is what I did: 

1. Remove the top cookie from your Oreos. I did a bunch at a time and my little helper and I were happy to eat the broken ones. 

2. Insert a lollipop stick and close them back up. If you want to be sure they stay closed, you can melt your candy melts at this point and dip the stick in some candy before putting it in the Oreo. 

3. Melt your candy melts in the microwave according to the package directions.

4. Dip the Oreo into the candy and make sure to cover the whole cookie. Lay the dipped cookie on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. 

5. For the mummies: add the eyes now. For the pumpkins: after it sets just a little insert the green Tic Tac into the top. Since the Tic Tac on the pumpkins is balancing on top, you want the candy to have hardened just a bit.  

6. Once the cookies harden all the way, place some of the melted candy in a baggie, snip the end and drizzle some candy back over the cookies.  

Oh, and, if you don't win the eyes, you can order them online. Amazon has 1/4" eyes that look similar to mine. 

UPDATED: The winner is Kelley! Thanks for reading and for entering. Send me your mailing address and I'll get them on their way. I also sent you an email. 

Madelyn is One


Dear Miss Madelyn,

Now you are one. It is hard to believe more than a year has passed since we first said hello.  Our days are full and it often feels as though one simply fades into the next. I try my best to savor each moment with you, and the quiet calm that comes with rocking you to sleep each night is among my favorite parts of our days. I love when you curl up into my chest and I rub your back right before you go to bed.

You feel things deeply and your dad and I have learned that you have high highs and low lows. You scream in delight when you’re happy and you scream out of anger when you’re mad. We’ve lovingly nicknamed you Level-10 Madelyn during those unhappy moments. My favorite nickname for you during the past year was Little Bittle, which your big brother called you for about five months straight. It has slowly faded out, but I love that he came up with that sweet name for his little sister.

You adore your big brother and wander from room to room saying “aaa-dee” searching for him. For quite some time I thought you were calling out daddy, but we soon figured out that is your special little call for Evan. You squeal in delight each morning when you see him for the first time and you scream happy screams when he gets you. In the car, he makes faces at you to make you laugh and both of you end up in giggles.

Since the day you were born, you were busy. You have busy hands and I hope you carry that trait throughout life. You love to help me unload the dishwasher and you enjoy carrying things from room to room to find new homes for them. Yesterday your daddy found his cell phone in the top drawer of my nightstand. We’re still missing your brother’s beloved Taggie bear that suddenly disappeared somewhere in the house two weeks ago. I keep thinking we’re going to find it tucked away somewhere right at your level.

You have quite a sense of humor and you know when you’re being funny. You love to put your brother’s (clean) underwear on your head because you know it will get a laugh out of us.

You are very determined in everything you do. For weeks you attempted your first steps, taking a few at a time before returning to the floor on your hands and knees. Then at 5:00 on a Wednesday evening just before your birthday, you decided it was time to walk. You gave up crawling just like that and embarked on a new adventure in your life. May you always have such ease in closing one door and opening another.

Thank you so much for being my little sweetie, for teaching me something new each day and for letting me share my life with you. I’m head over heels in love with you and I can’t wait to watch you grow.

All my love,


A Favorite Quote: Erma Bombeck

If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the ‘good’ living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains. I would have cried and laughed less while watching television – and more while watching life. I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband. I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn’t show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you’s".. More "I’m sorrys" … But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute… look at it and really see it … live it…and never give it back. — Erma Bombeck 

Waving Goodbye to Daddy

If you’re in my living room at 8:00 a.m. on a weekday, this is the view that you’ll see. 

These two little ones stand at the door, waving and watching intently until their daddy’s car is out of view. Evan usually calls Bryan back two or three times. "Daddy, I just have one more thing to tell you," he says. Then he quickly makes something up. "The trees have leaves," he’ll say with a grin. "Wait, now I have something to give you." Then he wraps his arms around his dad’s legs, which sometimes gets peanut butter on Bryan’s pants. It all depends on whether or not Evan has had breakfast yet. The whole routine usually delays Bryan by at least ten minutes, but it is pretty cute to watch. It also makes me grateful that instead of commuting in D.C. traffic, I spend the next hour getting the kids dressed, packing Evan’s lunch and taking a five-minute drive to the church where Evan goes to preschool. It sure beats sitting in traffic. Being able to ditch my morning drive time is definitely one of the top five reasons I love working from home.  

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

We spent a perfect afternoon taking in a Washington Nationals baseball game yesterday. I think I watched approximately five minutes of the game. I spent the rest of the time watching my kiddos and thinking about how lucky I am. It’s true. Even on my worst day, I could take a look at these photos and know that life is good.   

 P.S. The Nationals won! 

A Favorite Blog

Do you read the Nie Nie Dialogues—a blog by Stephanie Nielson? I’m a fan. In case you don’t follow Stephanie, she is a mom, a blogger and a burn survivor. I find her totally inspiring. It could be because my nephew is a burn survivor. I witnessed with lots of love and tears the ups and downs that take place in the burn unit. When I first started reading Nie Nie, all I could think about was my own family’s reaction to those first tragic days and months after my nephew’s accident. Nothing can prepare you for such a life-changing event.

I think the thing I like most about Nie Nie’s blog is that she reminds me of the simple joys we should savor in life. She literally fought for her life so she could hug her little ones and be there to make them lunch in the morning. It puts things in perspective for me. I take for granted how easy it is to give my kiddos a bath or cart them around for a piggyback ride. Check out Stephanie talking about caring for her kids on Oprah. 

Tomorrow night 20/20 is doing a story on Stephanie. Are you planning to watch? I will be. I’ll be thinking of my nephew and what it was like to sleep on a cot in the burn unit by his side. I’ll be thinking of my kids and how happy I am I get to mother them every day, and I’m sure I’ll be crying. 


Booking Up Summer

I am in the process of filling up the days of our summer calendar—camps, vacation to visit the grandparents, swimming lessons, and on and on. But it occurred to me that I am forgetting to schedule some of the most important things on my summer’s to-do list. Before I forget, here they are:

–Catch fireflies

–Sleep outside


–Roast marshmallows

–Plant flowers with Evan

–Make fresh lemonade

–Pick strawberries

–Have a water balloon fight

–Eat popcicles on the front porch

–Make homemade ice cream

–Find a drive-in movie theater (sans kids)

–Go for a hike

–Bird watch

–People watch


How about you? What is on your to-do list? 


The Magic of Disney

“All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

I am still reeling from the excitement of our Disney trip earlier this month. I love Disney and find the entire experience of stepping into a Disney theme park completely inspiring. It is a hustling and bustling testament to what one can achieve by chasing his or her dreams. Walt Disney trusted his instinct and invested himself in the projects he believed in. An impressive empire has grown out of Mr. Disney’s imagination.
I love his quote,  “If you can dream it, you can do it.” I left Magic Kingdom thinking about my own dreams and the steps I need to take to achieve them. I also love being inspired, and Disney served that purpose for me this month. How about you? Where do you find your inspiration?