A few weeks ago a friend and I were discussing whether or not it is important for writers to blog. I am constantly torn on how much time I should devote to blogging. On one hand it is something I enjoy doing and posting about freelancing helps me focus on ways I can improve my own business. On the other hand I don’t feel that my blog helps me obtain or keep clients. So for me it became important to focus on my goals for my little corner of the Internet.
I like sharing some of my freelance experiences and helping those that may be considering hanging their own shingle. Since I love to read, offering posts about my favorite books and stories just seemed natural. And, well, talking about my little guy and life at home just makes me happy. Since this is my professional Web site, I struggle more with how much to talk about my personal life. I’ve heard people say to go ahead and have at it since your clients and readers want to know about you as a person, but I’ve also heard people say sharing too much information can actually hurt you. I try to walk a fine line between the two.
Jane Friedman, editor of Writer’s Digest, had a great post last week about why writers should and shouldn’t blog. My favorite reason she gave for blogging is this: "You will start thinking of opportunities you didn’t before. Once you have an online site/blog, you’ll notice that ideas and plans for it will emerge even if you’re not focusing on it. You have a more empowered and creative stance; you’re more open to possibilities for it because it already exists."
I think that sums up the biggest benefit of blogging for me. Knowing I have the blog keeps me on the lookout for new ideas. I am constantly evaluating the things I do that work well so I can share them with others and I find myself reading books, stories and articles with the blog in mind. It is just another tool for ensuring I keep my eyes open to the world going on around me.